Briana Ainsley
Briana Ainsley
PDGA#: 69890
Home Town: Squamish, BC, Canada
Home Course: Mundy Park!!!!
Discs I don't leave home without: All of them. I keep all of them in my car haha. But for discs that I will not take out of my bag ever, is my Dynamic Discs Escape, it is just the perfect fairway driver, my Innova Firebird, I throw it for thumbers and hyzers, and my Dynamic Discs Warden, I've canned 2 aces with it! Woohoo. So, I can drive with it, putt with it, and do anny's or hyzer's with it.
About Briana
My mum is the one who got me into disc golf. She started playing with her boyfriend and had my 11 year old lil bro into it. I flat out refused to play at first saying, "I hate frisbees!" and looked at one with utter disgust at first. Once I threw the first throw I was hooked. For the first 2 years I played, I only threw thumbers and turbo putts haha. After about a year of just playing rec and starting to improve a little, my mum said to me, "Briana! You could be living out of a van, touring around being a pro disc golfer! I told her she was nuts, but because I now live for disc golf, last year I was living in a van all over the lower coastal mainland, and the southern gulf islands of BC basically chasing sunshine just to play. I don't live in a van now, however, but I still find myself in 3 different cities a week haha. I do have some big road trip plans for next year though! Also, just a side note, I have the best 15 year old bro ever, who can throw nearly 500'!
Favorite DG memory
That's a tough one. How can you choose!? Earlier this year I was playing a sanctioned event at the beautiful Bowen Park in Nanaimo, BC. On one hole, we were playing about 350' hole through a decent amount of trees adjacent to the OB parking lot. This one funny Estonian guy, Taavi, throws, goes OB, yells out with his great eastern European accent, "OH, OB!" He shoots from it's point of entry, hits a tree and... "OH, OB!" He goes forward again, throws from that point of entry and bam, "OH, OB!" So now he is shooting for 7 from at least 80-100' away. He missed his putt and ended up carding a 9 but didn't seemed too phased. I walked up to him and said, "Hey man, thanks so much for your good attitude, nothing but karma for that!" We all tee of on the next hole which is a bit blind to the basket with Taavi up last, and he gets a skip in ace. We didn't even know until we ran half way up the fairway. After telling the story to a decent amount, I've heard people yell in his accent, "OH, OB," whenever they go OB. He'll be legendary.
Honorable mention: My first ace ever in the women's event in 2014 and my mum pee'd herself.
Why disc golf?
Because Disc Golf is a lifestyle. I had no idea what I was getting into when I first started to come to events, branching out to doubles and club events at various places, and meeting all these new people. I didn't realize I was meeting my future family. The people who I have met through disc golf are the most genuine, accepting, friendly, caring, and funniest people I have ever met. Everyone is such their own character, coming from such different walks of life with the only thing bringing us all together is disc golf. And I think that one of the things that has us all get along (for the most part) is that fact that we all want the same thing- to be out in nature, socializing, exercising, and improving ourselves mentally and physically. And we've all found a way to do that with Disc Golf. It is a sport that everyone can play, that no one can stop improving on, that gets you outdoors and makes you feel good, and you can play it literally anywhere! I love this sport, I will never stop playing, and I can't wait to meet the rest of the golfers out there! That is why Disc Golf :)