Bryan Thornsberry
Bryan Thornsberry
PDGA#: 117508
Home Town: Springfield, MO
Home Course: Oak Grove Park
Discs I don't leave home without: Emac Truth, Star Tern, beat in AJ Star Destroyer, Star Wraith, last but not least my Pure putter.
About Bryan
I started playing disc golf in 2012, sort of just messing around to take my mind off my personal life at the time. I played off and on for a few years, then got serious and started playing tournaments in 2017. These days it's hard to imagine a life without disc golf in it..
Favorite DG memory
Its a toss up between my first ace, tricking a friend in to playing a tournament when he'd never played before (sorry, Jakke!), introducing the sport to my wife and having her playing a tournament with me (unicorn), and getting my first official payout at Discin for Cheetahs 2019.
Why disc golf?
The lows may be low but the highs are the best high. There's nothing in the world like crushing a round, hitting every line, and feeling like you could take on McBeth lol.