Robert Davis
Robert Davis
PDGA #: 45326
Home Town: Fort Smith, AR
Home Course: Ben Geren Park
Discs I don’t leave home without: Yeti Pro Aviar, Flat Top Champ Firebird, Star Destroyer, 1st Run Z Nuke, Truth, Gator, Meteor, Proto Daedalus, 2 time Barry Champ Beast
About Robert
I started playing disc golf when I was about 17 after a friend introduced me to the sport. I immediately fell in love with it and already had a big appetite for competition and sport due to my long history with baseball. I was so driven to play and compete I would often play 4-5 rounds in one day by myself. One day I ran into the local club which welcomed me in and connected me to minis, tournaments, and great lifelong friends, making me even more enthralled with DG. I moved on to college and joined the DG Club where I helped carry on the awesome legacy of the Razorback Disc Golf Club, making sure our team stayed competitive and funded enough to make it to NCDGC every year. After graduating college, I found a job in transportation at Schmieding Produce where I work hard and dream hard that I am playing disc golf instead. I cannot wait for this next season, and hope to be able to compete alongside my Fossa mates at least a few times this season!
Favorite DG memory
Collegiate Disc Golf all together! But seriously my favorite memory is playing on a final nine card with Paul McBeth, Nate Sexton, and Kyle Sawtelle when they came to North West Arkansas. I am tempted to write a lot more as I do have many great DG memories, but I will refrain as it says favorite… not all my favorites!
Why disc golf?
Recreation, Friendship, Competition, Exercise, Being Outdoors, Motivation, Challenge, and I like to throw Frisbees and watch them fly.
Disc golf is artful, the disc is my brush, the course is my canvass, and playing is how I express myself.